
It is important to put forth effort in scientific work. Only continual science is going to create progress in the healthcare sector.
I believe my group is currently the leading, strongest and most productive group in the critically important area of paediatric nutrition research in Europe, and among the top groups in this field globally. We have a large and truly multidisciplinary research team of about 40 most talented and enthusiastic colleagues, enjoy strong local, national and international research collaborations, develop exciting, creative ideas and projects, and benefit from good funding (>20 Mio. € grant funding since 2005).  
Following I will give you an insight into my most important scientific achievements, my main research and the link to my fully published articles.

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books, monographies / chapters


journal articles

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Web of Science / Google Scholar

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Web of Science / Google Scholar

my fully published journal articles

Topics of my research

Early-life stressors and LifeCycle health (LifeCycle)

Early Nutrition eAcademy Southeast Asia

Innovative patient centered health care services - advantages of establishing a close CE network in celiac disease patient health-care

Developing innovative research in human nutrition

Understanding the Dynamic determinants of glucose homeostasis and psychological capacity to promote healthy and active ageing (DYNAHEALTH)

Effects of milk protein intake in young children on early growth and later obesity risk: a multicentre randomized clinical trial

The Power of Programming

Early Nutrition eAcademy eLearning

Metabolic regulation of growth and body composition: key modulators of long term health (META-GROWTH)

Fish Intervention Studies in Pre-School Children 

Long term effects of early nutrition on later health (EARLY NUTRITION)

Metabolomic markers for obesity (METABOLOM)

Diet and its effect on the development of intestinal microflora and on the immune system through the entire life span (TORNADO)

Multifactorial evidence based approach for prevention of obesity in early childhood (TOYBOX)

High dose infant fish oil, FADS genetic polymorphisms and cognitive development (FADS & FISH)

FADS polymorphisms prevalence & effects (FADS SNPS)

Multimodal optimization of PUFA supply to infants (PINGU)

Disease associated malnutrition in children

Effect of diet on mental performance of children (NUTRIMENTHE)

Multidisciplinary Early Modification of Obesity Risk (MEMORI)

Harmonising nutrient recommendations across Europe (EURRECA)

Early Nutrition – Long Term Efficacy and Safety Trials (EARNEST) 

The Power of Programming. Developmental Origins of Adiposity and Long-term Health 

Funding organizations

EU Horizon 2020, project 733206

Erasmus Plus - Capacity Building in Higher Education

European Commission, Interreg Central Europe 

LMU Univ. of Munich Investment Fund 

EU Horizon 2020, project 633595

Nestec Ltd., Vevey, Switzerland

German Research Council (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft), KO912/10-1

European Commission, LMU and multiple supporters

European Research Council Advanced Grant No. 322605

The Fishery and Aquaculture Research Fund, Government of Norway

EU FP7, No. 289346

German Fed Gov - BMBF

EU FP7-KBBE-2007-2A

EU FP7-245300

Australian NNMRC & Univ. West. Austral. Perth, ID1004494

Nutricia Foundation & Emory Univ. Atlanta

German Fed Gov - BMBF, 03185680B

European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care

EU FP7-212652

German Fed Gov - BMBF


EU FP6, No. 007036 QLRT-2001-00389

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, KO912/12-1

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